Wednesday, July 30, 2008
More Indians please
I love the community I live in, at least 30% of the people owning a home are of Indian nationality. They make the best neighbors - no loud, obnoxious dogs that bark all the time, no stupid toys like off-road motorcycles that are "tested" in the community at high RPM, no "white trash", no beer cans on the lawn, no loud BBQ in the back yard, and so on. Absolutely the best neighbors! Now if only the other 70% of the turds could leave, that would make this community something special.
Unnecessary Costs
The passenger side window in my car is no longer willing to go back up. Damn it, I hate when things like this happen. I've made a solid plan for a 3 week trip overseas and now I need to worry about spending money on the car when I come back. Luckily the driver side motor died while the car was still in warranty - why couldn't the other side do the same!
Good earthquake yesterday
Every so often we get earthquakes, which I personally LOVE. Why you ask? Because it drives people AWAY from California! I've known people who were "traumatized" by the Northridge earthquake in 1994, packed up their shit and left the state - moved to Atlanta! More people should leave after this one - see ya!
My brother is a pathetic cheapskate
I no longer care about my brother as of yesterday. He is 30, decided to "live his life" until now by drinking, using drugs, partying, spending all his money, etc.
Because of his drug use, he needed throat surgery. Since my parents left California for Las Vegas a couple of years ago, I was instantly thrust into the role of caretaker - WTF! Although I refused to take him to the surgery (sorry, he fucked himself up, why should I help him), my father called and forced me to take him as a "favor for my dad". I hated it because I was in the middle of a product roll-out, so I crashed that night around 3 AM, had to wake up at 5:30 so that I could pick him up at 6 AM to make his 7 AM check-in at UCLA. I drove him to the hospital, dropped him off and drove back home to crash - he wanted me to stay with him, I just found out! Fuck him, next time don't do drugs and SAVE YOUR CASH!
Last year he broke his ankle, so again I was the one who drove to pick him up from his apartment, take him to the doctor, drive him back. I even drove to pick up his medicine a couple of times, bring him water, etc.
In December he found the "love of his life", they moved in together a couple of months ago in a $1,700/mo apartment. He bought himself brand new appliances, and I mean everything - all on credit of course. Got himself a flat big screen TV - on credit as well. And he just returned from Las Vegas where he "partied" with his girlfriend. Oh, and he is leasing a Cadillac CTX, because, well, he has to look cool.
I never once asked him for a favor. Since I am leaving for a 3 week overseas vacation this Thursday, I decided to ask him for a ride to the airport. He actually had the audacity to ask for $20 in gas money, because his girlfriend's Jeep is a gas guzzler! Found out through a long (and very heated) email exchange that they are broke, living paycheck to paycheck on a budget - oh yeah, she is now 4 months pregnant! Poor kid, I feel sorry for him already...
Because of his drug use, he needed throat surgery. Since my parents left California for Las Vegas a couple of years ago, I was instantly thrust into the role of caretaker - WTF! Although I refused to take him to the surgery (sorry, he fucked himself up, why should I help him), my father called and forced me to take him as a "favor for my dad". I hated it because I was in the middle of a product roll-out, so I crashed that night around 3 AM, had to wake up at 5:30 so that I could pick him up at 6 AM to make his 7 AM check-in at UCLA. I drove him to the hospital, dropped him off and drove back home to crash - he wanted me to stay with him, I just found out! Fuck him, next time don't do drugs and SAVE YOUR CASH!
Last year he broke his ankle, so again I was the one who drove to pick him up from his apartment, take him to the doctor, drive him back. I even drove to pick up his medicine a couple of times, bring him water, etc.
In December he found the "love of his life", they moved in together a couple of months ago in a $1,700/mo apartment. He bought himself brand new appliances, and I mean everything - all on credit of course. Got himself a flat big screen TV - on credit as well. And he just returned from Las Vegas where he "partied" with his girlfriend. Oh, and he is leasing a Cadillac CTX, because, well, he has to look cool.
I never once asked him for a favor. Since I am leaving for a 3 week overseas vacation this Thursday, I decided to ask him for a ride to the airport. He actually had the audacity to ask for $20 in gas money, because his girlfriend's Jeep is a gas guzzler! Found out through a long (and very heated) email exchange that they are broke, living paycheck to paycheck on a budget - oh yeah, she is now 4 months pregnant! Poor kid, I feel sorry for him already...
Shopping for shorts is painful
I am officially a "mutant". When companies are designing their shorts, this must be their line of thinking:
White people should be skinny with no ass so the Levi's 550 shorts would fit perfectly
Black people, since they have an ass, should wear ROCA wear and Sean John shorts that reach their ankles and be really baggy
So if I want skinny with an ass and not longer than my knees, I am OUT OF LUCK! Oh and God forbid you exercise, run, play soccer and have developed thighs - because then you MUST go baggy. Loose fit is definitely NOT FOR YOU.
White people should be skinny with no ass so the Levi's 550 shorts would fit perfectly
Black people, since they have an ass, should wear ROCA wear and Sean John shorts that reach their ankles and be really baggy
So if I want skinny with an ass and not longer than my knees, I am OUT OF LUCK! Oh and God forbid you exercise, run, play soccer and have developed thighs - because then you MUST go baggy. Loose fit is definitely NOT FOR YOU.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
This weekend sucked
It started as early as Thursday night, see my previous post. I've tried previously to apply Service Pack 1 (SP1) to my Vista laptop, but it failed - didn't investigate why, I was happy it rolled back and I was able to continue working. Well, Friday I tried again, this time downloading the SP1 file from Microsoft. Same result, unfortunately. This time I investigated and found out that the file the SP was trying to overwrite was corrupted (and locked I guess), so the update failed. I tried the restore feature, but this time, the laptop had different plans and I was out of luck...
So, had no choice but to reformat and re-setup everything from scratch. That took all night Friday, all day Saturday and a couple of hours Sunday. Let's just say I have a lot of software that I use and each has updates and service packs and security updates, etc. I feel exhausted! But, it's actually not a bad idea to reformat and re-setup everything about every 2 years or so, since computers do become slow over time as additional updates and new releases are being applied. It just so happens that my laptop turned 2 years old in May.
So, had no choice but to reformat and re-setup everything from scratch. That took all night Friday, all day Saturday and a couple of hours Sunday. Let's just say I have a lot of software that I use and each has updates and service packs and security updates, etc. I feel exhausted! But, it's actually not a bad idea to reformat and re-setup everything about every 2 years or so, since computers do become slow over time as additional updates and new releases are being applied. It just so happens that my laptop turned 2 years old in May.
Damn, I was really looking forward to India
Somewhat late on making this post, more on that later. I found out late Thursday night that my business trip to India got canceled. This sucks on many levels - I won't be seeing India for the first time (although I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities since I work in IT Services), I won't be making the money I was planning on making, and so on. But none sucks more than missing out on spending a couple of days with my Malaysian friend. It fucking blows!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thought I lost a friend last night, and that felt awful
It all happened on IM, and it happened fast as hell. What I thought was meaningless conversation suddenly turned serious when my friend became upset over my choice of words. Then she left for lunch and I, scared, was leaving sorry messages on her IM every 10 minutes. It all turned out to be a joke, but for a while I was really scared!
My credit rating is 833
I found out my credit score when I leased a new Lexus RX SUV. I traded in a 3 year old Lexus RX Hybrid that was on a 4 year lease. It's all on my business, gotta love the US tax system! Maximum credit score is 850, so 833 probably places me in the top 5% of the US population. With this credit score I can walk into a Lamborghini dealership, sign a lease and drive off without anyone checking whether I have the cash in the bank account to be able to pay for it. But hey, I worked hard to get this credit score! I've been able to carry no debt for about 2 years now, except for the mortgage of course.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Late night last night
Working, of course. But it was all well worth it. I had a chance to help a friend with some marketing materials by reading/rewriting a brochure. During our IM conversations, she asked if I liked doing this QA type of work because I enjoy finding people's mistakes. And that's when it occurred to me that I have a gift, which not only can benefit me but also my friends and that it would be a shame if it went unused. It's just that, simply a gift worth having...
One of the most beautiful women in the world
Found one of the most beautiful women in the world and she is in this video:
Everything is perfect, although her breast size is slightly bigger than I would prefer. Because I am married to an Asian, people assume I have an attraction for that particular race. Oh, so not true! Being married for over 11 years has basically turned me off from most Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese - I rarely find anyone in that race attractive anymore.
So what is ideal? Large bottom, small breast size! Dark skinned like the girl in the video (not so much the African black), Latino, Philippines. Age does matter, I prefer older women since the under 25ish have no idea what they're doing. Size also matters, I don't like skinny women at all - hitting bone against bone cannot be something anyone enjoys, but to each his own. I prefer brunettes, rarely find blondes attractive and I detest with passion augmented blondes.
Everything is perfect, although her breast size is slightly bigger than I would prefer. Because I am married to an Asian, people assume I have an attraction for that particular race. Oh, so not true! Being married for over 11 years has basically turned me off from most Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese - I rarely find anyone in that race attractive anymore.
So what is ideal? Large bottom, small breast size! Dark skinned like the girl in the video (not so much the African black), Latino, Philippines. Age does matter, I prefer older women since the under 25ish have no idea what they're doing. Size also matters, I don't like skinny women at all - hitting bone against bone cannot be something anyone enjoys, but to each his own. I prefer brunettes, rarely find blondes attractive and I detest with passion augmented blondes.
A "shitty life"
I've heard this expression before from some of my friends who were having whatever difficulties at the time. I'm hearing it again from another friend. Nothing can be further from the truth!!!
Focus, do your job, put all your effort into it, eventually things will work themselves out. All of us started at the bottom, unless our mommies and daddies had money, which was definitely not the case with me. You, that's right, you have the opportunity to make things better. A shitty life is what a married wife with kids from the Philippines or Vietnam who has to leave their family and make money by "working" the drinking bars in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or Orchard Towers in Singapore has. A shitty life is a single mother in Romania who earns a living by doing the same thing in that country.
What opportunities do they have? Can they work harder, change jobs for more money? You sure your life is that bad?
Focus, do your job, put all your effort into it, eventually things will work themselves out. All of us started at the bottom, unless our mommies and daddies had money, which was definitely not the case with me. You, that's right, you have the opportunity to make things better. A shitty life is what a married wife with kids from the Philippines or Vietnam who has to leave their family and make money by "working" the drinking bars in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or Orchard Towers in Singapore has. A shitty life is a single mother in Romania who earns a living by doing the same thing in that country.
What opportunities do they have? Can they work harder, change jobs for more money? You sure your life is that bad?
FaceBook is pretty awesome
Today I was able to get in touch with 3 people I went to high school with that I knew fairly well. This wouldn't have happened without FaceBook - a great tool! A girl I had somewhat of a crush on is married with 2 kids and living in the same city I am. One male friend I last talked to 9 years ago is also in the same city, married, with 3 kids and the other is single in New York. How can people live without being connected by computers and the internet?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Words of wisdom to a friend about M.A.R.R.I.A.G.E
A friend of mine wrote in her "secret" blog:
Do not get me wrong. I am not against marriage. I do want to get married. I do want to have a family of my own. It’s just that I do not want to be forced into it. I don’t want to get married because I am 20 something old. I don’t want to get married because it’s my turn in my family. I don’t want to get married because my friends are doing so. I don’t want to get married because it would make my parents happy.
I want to get married because nothing else would make my life happier. I want to get married because I have found the father to my kids. I want to get married because I’m blindly in love. (note:blindly) I still think you have to be blinded by something to be married.
Ahh, perfection! Don't we all love to dream! Marriage itself won't make anyone happier - if you're not already as happy as you can when you're around the other person, a marriage certificate won't add to that happiness. Not to mention you should have probably gotten out of that relationship a long time ago. I'm sure Jessica Simpson and the rest were "blindly in love" when they got married and look how well things turned out for them. If you love the other person and the other person loves you back, it's about as good as it gets. You're better off reaching the "blindly" level as the marriage progresses than you are having it when you get married.
The hardest thing in life is finding "the father to my kids". I've know total losers who turned out to be the best dads out there. I've known good, smart people who were great dads but once "fortune and fame" got to them, they became shitty ass parents. I wanted to find the mother to my kids, so luckily my wife's older sister had already a daughter. I went babysitting with my wife a couple of times and loved what I saw. I would recommend you do something similar.
Do not get me wrong. I am not against marriage. I do want to get married. I do want to have a family of my own. It’s just that I do not want to be forced into it. I don’t want to get married because I am 20 something old. I don’t want to get married because it’s my turn in my family. I don’t want to get married because my friends are doing so. I don’t want to get married because it would make my parents happy.
I want to get married because nothing else would make my life happier. I want to get married because I have found the father to my kids. I want to get married because I’m blindly in love. (note:blindly) I still think you have to be blinded by something to be married.
Ahh, perfection! Don't we all love to dream! Marriage itself won't make anyone happier - if you're not already as happy as you can when you're around the other person, a marriage certificate won't add to that happiness. Not to mention you should have probably gotten out of that relationship a long time ago. I'm sure Jessica Simpson and the rest were "blindly in love" when they got married and look how well things turned out for them. If you love the other person and the other person loves you back, it's about as good as it gets. You're better off reaching the "blindly" level as the marriage progresses than you are having it when you get married.
The hardest thing in life is finding "the father to my kids". I've know total losers who turned out to be the best dads out there. I've known good, smart people who were great dads but once "fortune and fame" got to them, they became shitty ass parents. I wanted to find the mother to my kids, so luckily my wife's older sister had already a daughter. I went babysitting with my wife a couple of times and loved what I saw. I would recommend you do something similar.
How much I loathe shopping
I detest shopping with a passion. Nothing in the world is more annoying. It seems that the females I know - my wife, our family's friends, my own female friends - all possess this additional "shopping" gene that I somehow must have been born without. Today, taking advantage of my daughter's play-date with her friend who happens to live fairly close to the Topanga Mall, I decided to go shopping at the mall for a couple of t-shirts, shorts and boxer shorts.
Got to the mall around 4 PM. Parked outside Macy's, knowing that I would find everything there. Sure enough within 15 minutes I WAS DONE - went in, found the men's clothing on whatever floor, luckily O'Neill and Quicksilver shirts were on a table, picked out 2 white, 1 gray and 1 blue, moved 20 feet, found the Perry Ellis boxer shorts of which I already own about 8 pairs, but they only had the same color in large (light bluish or so), so I got 2 pairs, looked for some Levi Silvertab shorts but found none (I even asked, which I rarely do), paid and I was done.
Unfortunately I still ended up spending about 2 hours walking around, finding a watch battery replacement place, dropping off the watch, having to come back in 15 minutes to pick it up and hitting up Dillard's for Valentino after shave. Shopping sucks!
Got to the mall around 4 PM. Parked outside Macy's, knowing that I would find everything there. Sure enough within 15 minutes I WAS DONE - went in, found the men's clothing on whatever floor, luckily O'Neill and Quicksilver shirts were on a table, picked out 2 white, 1 gray and 1 blue, moved 20 feet, found the Perry Ellis boxer shorts of which I already own about 8 pairs, but they only had the same color in large (light bluish or so), so I got 2 pairs, looked for some Levi Silvertab shorts but found none (I even asked, which I rarely do), paid and I was done.
Unfortunately I still ended up spending about 2 hours walking around, finding a watch battery replacement place, dropping off the watch, having to come back in 15 minutes to pick it up and hitting up Dillard's for Valentino after shave. Shopping sucks!
Compensating men, where are you?
It's been a while since I drove on LA Freeways, but things have definitely changed. I barely see any large SUVs, absent are most Cadillac Escalades, Chevy Suburbans, Hummers, and even large Ford / Chevy / GM trucks. What happened to all the guys trying to compensate for lack of size in their pants? Now that gas got expensive, are you driving a Honda Accord? How sad...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Global Warming, I am waiting for you!
And waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more. I was in Las Vegas for an entire week leading up to the 4th of July and the daytime temperatures were around 105-115. Since I came back to Los Angeles, I've yet to see the temperatures reach 90 degrees. I choose to live here because I love the heat, so where the hell is it? I have a pool in my community, a heated pool actually - but I need the outside temperature to be over 90 to enjoy my time there. Can someone please rush some global warming over to my neck of the woods before the summer is over?
Yesterday I was told by a good friend that I should not blog without a purpose - she was referring to my "real" blog. I was not able to give her an answer, but after we talked a little bit about it, it turns out that blog has a real purpose and it's actually not bad (in my opinion of course).
So what is the purpose of this blog? To say anything and everything that is on my mind at any given time - and trust me, I am very opinionated about a lot of things!
So what is the purpose of this blog? To say anything and everything that is on my mind at any given time - and trust me, I am very opinionated about a lot of things!
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